Monday, October 20, 2014

Day 45. What a Monday.  After such a restful Sunday it was hard pulling myself from the bed.  I was thinking that all those super blessed people who just enjoy everyday doing whatever it is they like are so lucky. I guess if no one really had to work, but was able to do exactly what they wanted, no one would.  That is why so many people say it's a blessing to find a job they love doing.  I enjoy my job very much, but with any job their has to be parts of it that you don't like.  However, their are so many people without jobs who would love to just have something.  I am thankful that I have a good job to pull myself out the bed and get to.

What's on my mind.  I cried today looking over pictures of people in Africa who have and are dying from this Ebola epidemic.  I didn't cry until I saw the children lying in the street dead with people stepping over them.  Life is crazy like that.  We are here one moment and could be gone the next.  At times like these I feel for people who don't have the water system we have, who don't have access for food like we do, who don't have the chances we have.  It is truly sad.  I would hope that everyone would see the value in human life.  Each life is important.  To me it doesn't matter if that life is in the United States, Mexico, or Africa.  The challenge today; the best thing I believe we can do if we can't do anything else is pray for all those people who are suffering, who have lost loved ones, those who are dying.  Pray for them to be saved and helped like the doctor who was cleared today and is returning to Africa to continue helping....pray for him.  Today I will leave you with a verse.

James 5:15
And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.


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